
CAD'24, July 1-3, 2024, Eger, HUNGARY

Welcome to CAD'24 - the 21th annual International CAD Conference, held at the Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University. In 2016, Bishop Károly Eszterházy's 250-year-old dream came true when Eszterházy Károly College became a university by merging the colleges of Gyöngyös, Jászberény and Sárospatak. At that time, Eszterházy Károly University already offered courses in agriculture, humanities, teacher training, economics and social sciences, natural sciences, information technology, sports sciences, arts and arts education, but also provided dual training. In 2021 the Archdiocese of Eger became the owner of the institution and its new name was Eszterházy Károly Catholic University.

The university has over 6000 students and 300 professors, 32 undergraduate programs, 15 graduate programs, and 2 doctoral schools. It operates on two campuses and five colleges.

The conference agenda includes academic/industry keynote presentations, and parallel paper sessions. Special features include:

  • Online proceedings archival (ISSN 2769-8440): the extended abstracts are archived with proper cross-referencing.
  • Journal paper archival (ISSN 1686-4360): accepted journal papers are published in Computer-Aided Design and Applications.
  • Award: Best paper award.
  • Choice of delivery: a traditional conference as well as an online option will be available.

CAD'24 welcomes novel contributions on the theory and applications of Computer Aided Design including, but not limited to, modeling, analysis, high-performance graphics, data management, knowledge engineering, collaborative design, reverse engineering, and prototyping. Applications include architecture, bio-engineering, mechanical design, civil engineering, fashion industry, industrial design, sustainable energy design, etc.

CAD'24 is a Save the Trees - Save the Earth conference. All conference materials are stored in the cloud and delivered electronically. You may download them to your mobile computer and bring them with you to the conference.

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